Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Crazy Pat Robertson endorsed Rudy Giuliani and the wingnuts aren't sure if this is good or bad.

Ramesh Ponnuru at NRO thinks it's good:
I do think the Robertson endorsement is a big plus for Giuliani.

John Podhoretz writing in Commentary thinks it's mixed:
Taken strictly as an electoral matter, the Robertson imprimatur is almost certainly a wash — meaning that any votes it will generate will be offset by votes it will cost among those, even on the Republican side, who find Robertson a singularly unappetizing figure (including among Evangelical Christians, many of whom come from a different eschatalogical tradition from Robertson’s).

Tammy Bruce, noted FAUX News political analyst, writes that it's bad:
Robertson is like a Fred Phelps Lite who condemns people on television instead of at funerals.

Overall, this is another reason to oppose Giuliani and it shows that the wingnuts are in disarray.

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