Sunday, November 04, 2007


On WESAT 11/3/2007, Scott Simon interviewed Kenneth Adelman and Joshua Muravchik about the current outlook for the neo-con worldview and introduced the interview with this claim (from Lexis-Nexis):
But first, not too long ago neoconservatives were some of the most influential people in the government. They were often former liberals like Norman Podhoretz, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz, who thought that liberals had accommodated communist totalitarianism at the cost of human rights.

First of all, many liberals objected to detente because of the seeming neglect of human rights. Second, the architects of detente, Nixon and Kissinger, were NOT liberals. Third, some neo-cons worried that detente meant Israel would have a less prominent place in American foreign policy.

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