Sunday, November 04, 2007


In an op-ed in the NY Times, Prof. N. GREGORY MANKIW tries to diminish the concerns about America's health care system. He tries to account for the longevity differences between Canadians and Americans by claiming that "Americans are more likely than Canadians to die by accident or by homicide." and those aren't health care issues. There is obviously some truth to that but it does not explain the fact that Canadians between the ages of 65-69 have a longer life expectancy than Americans.

Even worse, he claims that the amount of money we spend on health care is a good sign because it is a by-product of a wealthy society. This of course ignores the disparity between costs and outcomes between countries.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

O filme segue a saga de Jun Ma (Donnie Yen) um inspetor de polícia de Hong Kong contra 3 irmãos da máfia vietnamita que começam uma guerra contra a Tríade de Hong Kong.