Friday, November 30, 2007


(h/t BeachdancerMB2)

cedubose at DKos provides us the highlights of a National Review piece, "The Grim Truth" by Ponnuru and Lowry. I especially liked this part of their article:
It's almost impossible to exaggerate the Democratic advantage on domestic issues: If it's an issue, they lead. According to Rasmussen, they lead as the party that people trust more to handle health care by 32 points, Social Security by 16 points, education by 13 points, and government ethics by 8 points. The Democratic lead extends even into traditional Republican territory. In a July Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, Democrats had a 25-point advantage over the GOP on cutting deficits, 16 points on controlling spending, 15 points on dealing with the economy, and 9 points on taxes.

The idiots think this is one way to avoid a huge defeat in 2008:
...adding more downscale voters who lean right on social issues. ... That task will force conservatives to explain how free-market policies can address the economic anxieties of this group of voter.

A better title for the article would've been "MISSION IMPOSSIBLE" considering the collapse of the housing market, the credit/asset crunch and the decline in value of the dollar.

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