Monday, November 05, 2007


From Amanda Carpenter at Clown Hall:
“One of the reason we’ve had incidents of violence, sectarian violence go down is because they are running out of people to kill,” said the Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee Rep. David Obey (D.-Wisc.) at a National Press Club luncheon Monday afternoon.

“They’ve killed so many in so many areas, that there are fewer opportunity targets, if you want to put it that way, for each side,” Obey said. “I welcome any reduction in the level in violence for whatever reasons it occurs, but I don’t think that tells us much for what the future is going to be.”

MediaMatters gets us a little closer to the truth than the wingnuts:
...ethnic cleansing may account for the decrease in civilian casualties, as noted by a number of other media outlets -- including McClatchy Newspapers, the Los Angeles Times, and The Washington Post -- and the Government Accountability Office's (GAO) director of international affairs and trade, Joseph A. Christoff. During an October 30 House Appropriations Committee hearing regarding a recent GAO study that found that overall attacks in Iraq have declined, Christoff told the committee that the GAO's figures do "not tak[e] into consideration the fact that there might be fewer attacks [on civilians] because you have ethnically cleansed neighborhoods."

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