Saturday, November 17, 2007


But he won't back up his challenge about the Shifty Vets. Jane at Firedoglake learns that Pickens is trying to weasel out of the bet by making additional demands. From the Houston Chronicle, 11/16/07:

Pickens wrote Friday in a letter faxed to Kerry, "I am certainly open to your challenge," but he said he would not pay Kerry unless the senator first provided him with copies of his wartime journals, as well as movies he shot while on patrol and his complete military records for 1971 to 1978.

Pickens said such documentation, which the group has previously sought, would be needed to disprove its ads.

TBogg has a relevant T-Bonehead quote:

Keep success as well as failure in perspective and, most importantly, always play by the rules: Never think you have to cheat to win; there’s no need to bend your principles. As in sports, cheating to win is a hollow victory, at best. But most of all, you won’t feel good about yourself.

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