Thursday, November 08, 2007


Kathleen Willey has been telling lies about Bill Clinton, AGAIN, and Hannity made room for her on his radio and TV shows. Along with a debunking of her claims, MediaMatters provides the radio transcript and I liked this part:

WILLEY: Oh, I was in it for the money. Bob Bennett, his attorney, said a terrible thing about me that I can't even repeat on the radio.

HANNITY: Well, repeat it as best you can.

WILLEY: He called me, the day after my 60 Minutes interview, an "effing bimbo flake" -- no, an "effing floozy bimbo flake," that's what it was. That was his -- that was the president's attorney. That's how these people act.

Bob Bennett is the brother of Bill "Slots" Bennett and I wonder if Slots will react to this smear by Willey. In case he missed it, I sent him an e-mail of the transcript.

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