Tuesday, December 25, 2007


I started to keep track of the several Villages that dominate American society since bloggers like Atrios dubbed the Beltway opinion "leaders" The Village. From George McGovern's book, The Essential America, page 11, I learned that Bill Clinton was McGovern's 1972 campaign coordinator for Texas. From Bob Woodward's State of Denial, I learned a little more about the Wingnut Village. First, Kenneth Adelman gets the blame for introducing Paul Wolfowitz to Cheney and Rumsfeld (page 43) and a little more about how Johns Hopkins has been infected with the AEI virus. According to Woodward on page 83, AEI and JHU's School of Advanced International Studies re just a few blocks apart and that led to the pollution of SAIS by wingnuts from AEI. In addition, Rumsfeld authorized a mini-Team B to look into the Middle East and the group recommended that we invade Iraq as the first step of remaking the ME into our image. One of the team members was Fouad Ajami, the freakshow who still claims that Iraq "is a noble war."

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