Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I read the Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R- wants to get to the bottom of the CIA's destruction of interrogation videotapes and I suspect he had not suddenly developed a thirst for the rule of law but instead saw this as an opportunity to to punish an agency he feels has a political agenda to thwart Pres. Bush, just as wingnut Pletka believes. From his appearance on FOX News Sunday, it seems that I was right:

HOEKSTRA: No, I'm not. I mean, I'm concerned that there were certain statements that came out of the community that might have been misleading to Congress as to exactly what existed.

I think you've got a systemic problem here. I think the community is incompetent. It is arrogant. And it has developed — it's become political.

You know, you take a look at WMD in Iraq. They were wrong. The two NIEs on Iran — they were wrong. The whole fiasco with Joe Wilson. And now the tapes...

WALLACE: The Valerie Plame...

HOEKSTRA: The Valerie Plame thing. It was handled terribly. And now the tapes.

So you've got a community that's incompetent. They are arrogant. And they are political.

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