Thursday, December 27, 2007


And that's good news for America. The coalition Rove developed to get Fredo elected is now officially falling apart and the GOP has nothing to replace it. The first line of this is suspect because business did very well under former President Clinton and I don't think Hillary will be any worse. Of course, for the wingnut ideologues, Hillary is a "communist."

Huckabee's Rise Drives Wedge Between Wall Street, Evangelicals
By Matthew Benjamin

Dec. 27 (Bloomberg) -- Wealthy Republicans have a new political nightmare that may be scarier than Hillary Clinton: Mike Huckabee.

The former Arkansas governor has surged in Republican presidential-preference polls, winning the support of Christian fundamentalists while peppering his campaign rhetoric with jabs at the financial industry. He calls himself the candidate who isn't a ``wholly owned subsidiary'' of investment banks, decries large executive-pay packages and says the party needs to shift its focus from Wall Street to Main Street.

In doing so, he threatens the uneasy if effective coalition Republicans have counted on for three decades: abortion opponents and other social-issue activists supplying foot soldiers, proponents of tax cuts and business-friendly regulatory policies putting up the money and getting the biggest economic benefits.

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