Saturday, December 29, 2007


According to the AP, tremendous progress has been made against Al Qaeda:
Iraq: al-Qaida 75 Percent Gone
By BRADLEY BROOKS – 6 hours ago
BAGHDAD (AP) — Iraq's interior ministry spokesman said Saturday that 75 percent of al-Qaida in Iraq's terrorist network had been destroyed this year, but the top American commander in the country said the terror group remained his chief concern.
Maj. Gen. Abdul Kareem Khalaf said the disruption of the terrorist network was due to improvements in the Iraqi security forces, which he said had made strides in weeding out commanders and officers with ties to militias or who were involved in criminal activities.

The BBC has a somewhat different report although it has the same headline:
Al-Qaeda in Iraq 'reduced by 75%'
Three-quarters of al-Qaeda in Iraq has been destroyed over the last year, the Interior Ministry in Baghdad has said.

Iraqi interior ministry spokesman Maj Gen Abdul Kareem Khalaf said the disruption of the al-Qaeda network was due to the weeding out of security force personnel with ties to militias.

He said: "[Al-Qaeda] activity is now limited to certain places north of Baghdad. We're working on pursuing those groups, that is the coming fight."

His claim that 75% of the group's hideouts in Iraq had been eliminated could not be independently verified.

If the situation really is that good, isn't time to start drawing down most of our troops?

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