Monday, December 31, 2007


(Via Atrios) MediaMatters points out that Dana Milbank of the WaPo lets us all know the truth about the "liberal media":
KURTZ: I had the impression it was a camp reunion when I was out there in Iowa. And it is great, the retail campaigning in Iowa and New Hampshire. It is fun to cover and it is real, but it's -- when the votes are counted and we decide who did well -- for example, Hillary Clinton, let's say she doesn't win Iowa. Let's say she gets edged out by 1,000 votes. Is the press going to savage her as a loser?
MILBANK: The press will savage her no matter what, pretty much.
STRONGKURTZ: --the press with Hillary Clinton, it's a poisonous relationship. And I visited the various campaigns out there. It's a mutual sort of disregard. And they really have their knives out for her, there's no question about it out there. So --


MILBANK: It's more that they dislike Hillary Clinton. There is a long history there, her antagonism towards the press. It's returned in spades. And it is a venomous relationship that I see out there.

This reminds me of the horrendous treatment Al Gore received from the Press when he ran for President and it continues to this day. Here's what former GOP congressman Joe Scarborough said on Hardball, 11/18/02:
MATTHEWS: Do you think the media's biased towards the Democrat?
SCARBOROUGH: No. I think in a lot of cases they have been. I think in the 2000 elections, I think they were fairly brutal towards Al Gore. I think they hit him hard on a lot of things like “inventing the Internet” and some of these other things, and I think there was a generalization that they bought into that, if they'd done that to a Republican candidate, I'd be going on your show saying, you know, they were being biased.

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