Monday, December 17, 2007


Yes, I referring to conservatives. The neo-cons were scared shitless by the Dirty Fucking Hippies (© Atrios) and the theo-cons are just plain scared about almost everything: Xmas, blastocytes, Darwin...

Today I learn that resentment also plays a big part in the conservative psychology. Michael Weiner (Savage) tells the NY Times that he became a conservative because he couldn't find a college job:

He readily acknowledged, though, that during his 20s and 30s he was “super left-wing,” including the times he worked as a welfare worker on the Upper West Side of Manhattan and later as a graduate student at the University of California, Berkeley, where he earned a Ph.D. in nutritional ethnomedicine.

But he turned sharply to the right after, among other things, finding that his welfare clients were often living better than he, and that despite a Ph.D. he couldn’t get a college teaching job after five years of trying. “I was the wrong race,” he said. “I was the wrong sex.”

I wonder how much demand there was for a professor of "nutritional ethnomedicine"?

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