Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Noam Levy, a reporter for the LA Times, writes that Democratic intransigence played a part in not getting even a resolution that expressed disapproval of the Iraq War. Why did the efforts of the Democrats in the House and Senate fail? Levy thinks this is the reason:
The answer lies partly in the slim Democratic majority and a determined
Republican president. But it was the new Democratic majority's inability to work
across the aisle that ultimately ensured failure.

I don't think he understands what the democrats wanted: Out of Iraq. A simple resolution would not have expressed the will of either the Democratic Party or the American people and a bill requiring a withdrawal timetable would be vetoed by Pres. Fredo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But Kucinich among others outlined filibustering snd othert plans to bring government to a halt while denying funds. The Democratic cowardice will ultimately be rued by wise folk who witness the prolonged no-win fiasco's additional cost in blood and money.