Sunday, January 13, 2008


Joint Chiefs Chairman: Close Guantanamo
Jan 13, 5:45 PM (ET)

GUANTANAMO BAY NAVAL BASE, Cuba (AP) - The chief of the U.S. military said Sunday he favors closing the prison here as soon as possible because he believes negative publicity worldwide about treatment of terrorist suspects has been "pretty damaging" to the image of the United States.

"I'd like to see it shut down," Adm. Mike Mullen said

Mullen said, "More than anything else it's been the image - how Gitmo has become around the world, in terms of representing the United States."

"I believe that from the standpoint of how it reflects on us that it's been pretty damaging," Mullen said,

Water-boarding 'would be torture'
BBC News
Sunday, 13 January 2008, 05:27 GMT

US national intelligence chief Mike McConnell has said the interrogation technique of water-boarding "would be torture" if he were subjected to it.
Mr McConnell said it would also be torture if water-boarding, which involves simulated drowning, resulted in water entering a detainee's lungs.

He told the New Yorker there would be a "huge penalty" for anyone using it if it was ever determined to be torture.

"If I had water draining into my nose, oh God, I just can't imagine how painful!" he told the magazine.

"Whether it's torture by anybody else's definition, for me it would be torture."

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