Wednesday, January 30, 2008


That's the title of a post by Roger L. Simon that comes to the defense of McCain. (No direct link to Simon because he banned me from his site) In itself, Simons defense is not surprising because he's sure McCain will fight wars for Israel. This is getting plenty of notice on wingnut blogs and throws a little more light in the dissolution of the Rove Coalition. Internment Malkin reports that the extremist Club for Growth has attacked McCain, and that group is perhaps the most vociferous defender of tax cuts for the wealthiest. Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit highlights the real problem the movement conservatives face:

What I find particularly hard to swallow, though -- and this is not Bill's problem --are the people who say that if Romney doesn't make it they'll vote Democratic rather than support McCain because McCain's not a true conservative. Maybe not, but neither is Romney, and it seems like a strange place to draw the line.

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