Tuesday, January 08, 2008


County home foreclosures climb 11.5 percent in 2007
Citizen Staff Report
Tucson Citizen
Published: 01.08.2008

More than 3,300 Pima County homes were lost to foreclosure in 2007, an 11.5 percent increase over the previous year, according to a report by Default Research.

State budget crunch: UA, social agencies, schools brace for worst
Lawmakers meeting early in quest for savings
Tucson Citizen
Published: 01.07.2008

lassrooms, municipal services, child care and college campuses stand to lose millions of dollars in the short term as Arizona begins this week to grapple with billions of dollars in budget cuts.
About $900 million in red ink is expected during the current fiscal year, which ends June 30.

A slowing economy has stunted revenues for the state treasury. Economists project about $1.5 billion must be pared from next year's budget.

Napolitano would not touch the universities but the Republican plan would cut UA's allocation this year by $44 million. ... School districts are largely protected from budget cuts but the Republican plan for fiscal 2008 would cut $44 million from the Arizona Department of Education. ...

The Republican proposal for the current fiscal year would raise eligibility requirements for children's health care plans and eliminate summer job training for youths.
"We want to make sure that the state doesn't balance its budget on the backs of children," said Dana Wolfe Naimark, executive director of the Children's Action Alliance.
Naimark said changes to KidsCare - state coverage for children whose parents can't afford coverage - would leave 18,000 children without health insurance for the current year.

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