Sunday, January 13, 2008


Several have noticed that Dick Cheney seems to have changed since 1992. Colin Powell and Gerlad Ford noted that Cheney had developed a "fever" about Iraq that sharply contrasted with his equanimity in the first Iraq War. I've been wondering if this personality change could be due to Cheney's progressively worse medical condition and I found that depression is a side-effect of heart problems.

On the other hand, Spencer Ackerman makes the case that Cheney really hasn't changed at all:

Cheney didn't change, but the opportunities he was presented with did -- from the objective constraints of being in the Congressional minority and then out of step with the Bush I administration to the license to truly be Cheney in the aftermath of 9/11.The press, and most of Washington, has misunderstood Cheney significantly, much as it's misunderstood neoconservatism.

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