Friday, February 29, 2008


Bay Buchanan discussed the McCain/Cunnigham issue on The Situation Room and had this to say about Mr. Cunningham:

BUCHANAN: I think what is significant is not his battle with Cunningham, per se, but the fact that you have here a real hardened conservative, a guy that has a real following out there, 24 years in radio. And he's very respected, even though he's a bit of -- someone that speaks, you know, very, very strongly sometimes.

It's important to recall every day that people just like Cunningham are very respectable in the GOP. Some even get invited for talks with the President.

Bay has a very confused response to this. She first suggested that Barack's middle name was an interesting point, then irrelevant and a minute later said it was a legitimate issue. Crooks & Liars has the video and that allowed me to correct a naming error in CNN's transcript:

MYERS: Well, why did he use it, Bay?
BUCHANAN: It was given to him by his mother, for heaven's sakes.
MYERS: Why? Why?
BUCHANAN: Because -- it's an interesting point.


BUCHANAN: That he has Muslim in his blood. Is that a legitimate position, as his father was a Muslim? I think it's not.


BUCHANAN: So, we're not allowed to use his middle name? I think it's a legitimate concern of a lot of Americans. And we certainly...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This mirrors the anti-war Buchanan's (and family)retrogressive loyalty to the GOP which has caused him to return to it twice after leaving it for third party efforts. Buchanan and his sister opposed the war from the get-go but Pat to this day cannot bring himself to say we should leave or that Congress should cut off funds, although having kind words to say about Ron Paul who has and did.