Tuesday, February 05, 2008


He'll even defend Hillary and Barack! The New York Sun reports that Fats tried to downplay McCain's stance on the Iraq War by claiming that neither Hillary nor Obama would be much different:
"They are not going to surrender the country to Islamic radicalism or the war in Iraq," Mr. Limbaugh said after mentioning the two Democratic senators by name. "They are not going to do that to themselves, despite what their base says."

"The idea that we've only got one person in this whole roster of candidates, either party, who is willing to take on the war on terror is frankly, absurd," Mr. Limbaugh said.

Michael Goldfarb in the neo-con Weekly Standard completey disagrees with Fats on Hillary and Barack:
Has Rush been paying attention to what the Democratic Congress tried to do to the war effort this year--and the role McCain played in stopping it? Is he unaware that right now Clinton and Obama are one-upping each other in a game of who could surrender first? That both would withdraw American troops regardless of the recommendations of General Petraeus, regardless of whether we are winning or losing, regardless--in short--of reality?

Goldfarb goes farther and accuses Fats and the other gasbags opposed to McCain of putting party before country!
Indeed, McCain has repeatedly said that he would rather lose this election than lose the war. Apparently for Rush and some other conservative opponents of McCain, it's the other way around. They say a victory by Clinton or Obama will, in the long run, serve the party and the conservative movement. Apparently they'd rather lose the war than see John McCain win this election.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

William Kristol is another Zionist Likudist who has always taken a soft line on immigration and it is likely that most of these prioritize Israel's survival over
the hardline "nativist" stance on
problematic aspects of Hispanic
inflow. Thus they will always back a McCain or a Bush country club, cheap labor Republican candidate
who is also "hawkish" on Middle East policy. Whether Mark Levin will be an exception remains to be seen when the primary dust is clear.

TAnother question is, are either Hillary or Obama prepared to risk the wrath of The Lobby's position
and consequent loss of billions of contributions.

That Iraq's next stable government will be anti-American and at least moderately anti-Israel is a certainty and to Likudists, "moderately anti-Israel" means supportive of "terror" and Islamic extremism.