Thursday, February 28, 2008


(h/t Ken Hoop in comments)

Our Sunni allies in Iraq are starting to have second thoughts about cooperating. They have legitimate gripes about U.S. soldiers killing their forces and about the lack of support from the central government and the U.S. military.

Sunni Forces Losing Patience With U.S.
Citing Lack of Support, Frustrated Iraqi Volunteers Are Abandoning Posts

By Sudarsan Raghavan and Amit R. Paley
Washington Post Foreign Service
Thursday, February 28, 2008; Page A01

BAGHDAD, Feb. 27 -- U.S.-backed Sunni volunteer forces...are increasingly frustrated with the American military and the Iraqi government over what they see as a lack of recognition of their growing political clout and insufficient U.S. support.

Since Feb. 8, thousands of fighters in restive Diyala province have left their posts in order to pressure the government and its American backers to replace the province's Shiite police chief. ... In Babil province, south of Baghdad, fighters have refused to man their checkpoints after U.S. soldiers killed several comrades in mid-February in circumstances that remain in dispute.

The tensions are the most serious since the Awakening was launched in Anbar province in late 2006, according to Iraqi officials, U.S. commanders and 20 Awakening leaders across Iraq.

Inadvertent U.S. killings of Awakening fighters -- five such incidents have occurred in the past three weeks -- are adding to the frustrations.


Anonymous said...

feel free to post this elsewhere if more apropos, but things aren't going well in the too-quickly exited Afghanistan, either, according to the Guardian. In fact
"losing" seems to be a viable description according to some experts.

Anonymous said...

"Afghanistan mission close to failing - USInjection of troops and aid has not brought stability says intelligence chief
Declan Walsh in Islamabad and Richard Norton Taylor The Guardian, Friday February 29 2008 Article history ยท"