Friday, February 01, 2008


Before I get to his recent signing statements, we need a little background on the legality of line-item vetos because that's what these statements amount to.
Supreme Court Deletes Line-Item Veto
Clinton disappointed; Opponents of veto call it a victory for the Constitution
WASHINGTON (AllPolitics, June 25) -- The line-item veto is unconstitutional, the Supreme Court decided Thursday, ruling that Congress did not have the authority to hand that power to the president.

Note carefully that evne when Congress and the President approved line-item vetos, it's STILL unconstitutional. Pres. Fredo thinks he has the authority ALL BY HIMSELF!
Bush asserts authority to bypass defense act
Calls restrictions unconstitutional
By Charlie Savage
Globe Staff / January 30, 2008

WASHINGTON - President Bush this week declared that he has the power to bypass four laws, including a prohibition against using federal funds to establish permanent US military bases in Iraq, that Congress passed as part of a new defense bill.

Bush made the assertion in a signing statement that he issued late Monday after signing the National Defense Authorization Act for 2008. In the signing statement, Bush asserted that four sections of the bill unconstitutionally infringe on his powers, and so the executive branch is not bound to obey them.

If Nancy really means this:
"I reject the notion in his signing statement that he can pick and choose which provisions of this law to execute," said Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Democrat of California. "His job, under the Constitution, is to faithfully execute the law - every part of it - and I expect him to do just that."

Then let's start the impeachment hearings.


Anonymous said...

more signs of "surge" victory
today.but according to,if we have won (which we have,depending on what day you have read it for the past four years)we still must stay and ensure the victory, whereas if we are losing (which only the "Surrendercrats" say and they are wrong, but even if they are right,) we must stay until
we win....

as far as Bush's planned permanent bases go, seeing as how the U.S. has been so successful at bringing peace and prosperity to Iraq, it's clear the Iraqis will not be averse to such,
and they will preside over similar
placid environs as exist in Germany and Japan. at least that is the implication of myriad neocon blogs who compare them thusly...
oh, but, acknowledge that the Iraqi majority has wanted the occupiers out for many years and has expressed essential
disbelief in both the good intent and the ability of the occupier to restore order?...never!
no matter how much more blood flows.
political socipathy.

Steve J. said...


You perfectly captures the logic of wingnut war whores:

"if we ... still must stay and ensure the victory, whereas if we are losing ... we must stay until
we win...."

Another "heads I win, tails you lose" situation.