Monday, February 25, 2008


Of course, Fats Limbaugh and FAUX News weren't around when this came out and the Noise Machine was just an idea but I think it's a perfect description of the Manicheaen view the wingnuts have of the world: Us and Them.

DemFromCT has a diary that pointed me to this paragraph from The Politico on the McCain-lobbyist scandal:
This episode exposes, more clearly than ever, the business model for big-time conservative activism: Its lifeblood is this us-against-them mentality. It needs an enemy, be it The New York Times, or Obama, or secularism or illegal immigrants.

After all, without a “drive-by” liberal media, we might have less need for Rush Limbaugh.

Dave Neiwert wrote about this some time ago and he's still correct about these extremists.

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