Thursday, March 06, 2008


-Mark "Foamer" Levin is afraid of MediaMatters! I was listening to his show yesterday and in responding to a caller, he said he has to be careful about what he says because "nutjobs" were taping him.

- Mad Melanie Update: Spocko reminds us that Morgan's on-air hate speech cost KFSO some advertisers and that may be the reason her contract was not renewed.

- 5 letter synonym for "bitch" == "Laura" Nicole at Crooks & Liars has a clip of War Whore Ingraham getting all pissy because a guest admitted that she has never listened to Laura's show. Some excerpts: "She's completely out to lunch", "idiot", "screw off ... I'm going to frigging destroy her", "What else do we know about this woman?", "She's a big liberal"

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