Tuesday, March 18, 2008


The Bush regime KNEW that Iraq was a fiasco in late 2003 and did not tell us the truth. From Bob Woodward's State of Denial, page 265:

"WE DO NOT HAVE A MILITARY STRATEGY for victory in Iraq," Bremer complained to Cheney in a secure phone call several days later. "I've been asking the same question," Cheney said. "What's our strategy to win? My impression is that the Pentagon's mind-set is that the war's over and they're now in the 'mopping-up' phase. They fail to see that we're in a major battle against terrorists in Iraq and elsewhere."

Despite this, Pres. Fredo kept up the smiley face talk:
BUSH GAVE A LUNCHEON SPEECH at the conservative Heritage Foundation on Veterans Day, November 11, 2003. The war in Iraq was much like he efforts of Presidents Truman and Reagan to thwart Communism, he old the audience. "The will and resolve of America are being tested in Afghanistan and in Iraq. We are not only containing the terrorist threat, we are turning it back."


Anonymous said...


you mean Cheney might have lied about his "insurgency is in the last throes" assurance too? like McCain revealing his war savvy is about as tenuous as his economics savvy today, it's hard to tell where incompetence meets dissembling all along the grid line.

Anonymous said...


Paul Craig Roberts says the Empire is doomed in the short run.

Anonymous said...


Finally, according to Hallinan, the Taliban are (still)turning the Americans back rather than Bush's war around.

Steve J. said...


Cheney's "last throes" comment is perhaps the greatest lie the Administration ever told. He had to know that violence in Iraq was increasing dramatically after the
bombing of the Askariya shrine in Samarra.

Steve J. said...

it's hard to tell where incompetence meets dissembling all along the grid line.

Or pandering to their base.

Anonymous said...

I believe it was Woodward's book
but perhaps elsewhere (and perhaps you have already commented on it) the documentation that Bush was apprised very early in the war ,by the on-scene brass, of the unanticipated insurgency, but went on denying the existence of it for many months thereafter to the public. Also ordered his military to do so.