Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Ken Hoop leaves informative comments about Iraq on this blog but that doesn't make any difference to war whore AJ Strata. Strata accuses Hoop of finding "glee" in the death of our soldiers in Iraq and further describes Hoop as a "ghoulish human who savors human suffering and death to make their miserable existences seem important." Strata is so deeply invested in Teh Surge that he can't admit that it has mostly failed, so he is forced to attack anyone who denies his version of reality.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the good word. Of course I have told this lying cretin repeatedly I am an antiwar "Rightist" who supported Ron Paul and before that the Buchanan/Reform third party bid, prior to that Perot. One proof that mainstream conservatism is sick and corrupt-and deserves to lose- is the labelling of antiwar protest as inevitably liberal.

He assumes like most neocon simpletons his sheep can't handle anything but black and white simplicity and even then, they lie about the black and white.

Today he puts their weakness on display: "Funny thing, if al-Qaeda felt the press over the attacks was not working in their favor they would probably avoid the bad press. So how is it the media can report on carnage and crimes against humanity and make it a plus for those who executed the carnage and a minus for the country (or countries) trying to stop the carnage from growing?

Thanks for saying the press should simply ignore the facts on the ground, AJ. Maybe it should go further and play the part of "Baghdad Bobs," the Saddam loyalist "journalist" who assured Iraqis the fedayeheen has successfully repelled the US troops even after they had occupied the capitol.

Wouldn't have changed a thing, Strata,and neither would the media if it lied about the resilient insurgency. Most experts say the media-and complicit Iraqi government-is underreporting all manner of violence. Don't confuse the American public with your group of true believers,many of whom insist Bush is among the greatest American presidents and who can't accept defeat.

Steve J. said...


AJ is unhinged and willing to attribute rationality to Al Qaida in Iraq but not to you.

Anonymous said...

McCain has only embarrasingly joked about it,but Strata has also, matter-of-factly and even after being warned against it by certain of his admiring commentors,called at least three times in the past few weeks for extending the war to bombing Iran.