Friday, April 04, 2008


There was an effort in the legislature to put a gay marriage ban on the ballot in November BUT IT FAILED thanx to Kyrsten Sinema, D-Phoenix. You may recall that a similar measure was on the ballot before and LOST!

Bid for ban of AZ gay marriages is derailed
Fall referendum off the table; Bee to kill Senate measure
By Howard Fischer
Capitol Media Services
Tucson, Arizona Published: 04.04.2008

PHOENIX — State lawmakers' efforts to get a constitutional ban on gay marriage before voters appears all but dead.

The House gave preliminary approval Thursday by a 28-27 vote to put the question on the November ballot. But that OK came only after Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Phoenix, lined up enough votes to tack on a provision to grant certain rights to unmarried couples living together, whether gay or straight.

That move effectively tied the two issues together as a single ballot question, meaning voters who want to make same-sex weddings unconstitutional would be voting for some constitutional rights for gay couples. A spokesman for House Speaker Jim Weiers, sponsor of HCR 2065, said that is unacceptable and that the Phoenix Republican will now kill his proposal.

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