Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Dave Neiwert is correct: The Fats Limbaugh brand of conservatism is extremist and there's no doubt about it. This AM I caught of his show and I was astounded that he made this claim: "Liberalism is the greatest threat this country faces." I found the passage on his website, "Epic Monologue: The Greatest Threat America Faces Is Liberalism," and here are some excerpts.

The guy that made the statement was saying this poses the greatest threat to America and not enough Americans are aware of it, the Democrats are trying to do everything they can to dissuade people of any fear of Islamofascists and terrorism.

...I popped up, and I said, ... "I have to tell you guys something. Without question the biggest threat facing this country is liberalism, and I went on a 20-minute riff. "

I attacked everything that I could think of that the left is doing, and the life, liberty, pursuit of happiness concept, they're not for life, they're not for liberty, they're not for the pursuit of happiness,

Liberalism survives today by blaming this country for virtually everything, making sure as many Americans as possible don't like their country, don't respect their country, hate the traditions and institutions that have made this country great.

I know it sounds maybe a little simplistic to just blame a single word, "liberalism." But it's true. They have destroyed everything they've tried to fix, from poverty, to racism, to economic injustice, to social injustice. Everything they have tried has failed, and they don't permit their results to be examined.

They believe the world can be perfected. We don't.

...and people say, "Rush, how can it be bigger than Islamofascism?" Because they don't find anything wrong with Islamofascism, folks.

Liberalism is the greatest threat this country faces. Because liberalism today is so damn close to socialism, and in some of these statements that some of these Obama supporters are making, and in fact some of the statements he's making, it approaches Marxism. It's just stunning.

Socialism, liberalism, communism, whatever you want to call it, everywhere it's been tried, it has failed.

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