Sunday, April 06, 2008


John Lott (in comments below) claims that the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)revised the start date of the 2001 recession back to the year 2000, thus he claims the recession started under Clinton. He referred to a WaPo article, I referred to the NBER's website.
Here are the post-war dates of the beginning of recessions:

November 1948(IV) - Truman
July 1953(II) - Eisenhower
August 1957(III) - Eisenhower
April 1960(II) - Esienhower
December 1969(IV) - Nixon
November 1973(IV) - Nixon
January 1980(I) - Carter
July 1981(III) - Reagan
July 1990(III) - G.H.W. Bush
March 2001(I) - Fredo

Assuming that we are in recession right now, there would be a total of 11 post-war recessions.

NINE of them began when a Republican was President!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Economists Say Recession Started in 2000
By Nell Henderson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, January 22, 2004; 1:34 PM