Thursday, April 10, 2008


Sean Hannity made an insane comment about the WOT on Hannity & Colmes, 4/8/08:
HANNITY: Go back to my fundamental point. Fascism was evil; Nazism was evil; imperial Japan was evil. Totalitarian communism was evil, Phil. And it took blood, sweat, tears, financial burden, and a horrible, horrible price to pay.

And I would argue, and then I will let you have the floor, and I'll shut up, that today's modern-day evil empires...


HANNITY: ... are Ahmadinejad, Assad, Hamas, Hezbollah, and al Qaeda. And if we don't fight them the same way, we risk what we saw in the last century, which is hundreds of millions, perhaps more, if you couple it with weapons of mass destruction, dead.

It's not that any of us on the conservative side like war, Phil. Nobody wants to see innocent people die. We don't want to see our neighbors lose their legs and suffer for the rest of their lives. But we do see the danger that we can have a repeat of the last century.

The NewsHounds have the video.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

America has an Empire, as Chomsky and Chalmers Johnson detail from the Left, and as the anti-Empire Andrew Bacevich details from the Right in "New American Militarism."

The second and third rate non-powers Hannity lists are not empires, but it takes an attitude of imperial hubris to mischaracterize their modest, defensive challenges to the American Behemoth and its Middle East Israeli outpost.