Friday, April 04, 2008


It seems that the rot is spreading all over the world.

IEDs go beyond Iraq, Afghanistan
By Tom Vanden Brook, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — Makeshift bomb attacks by insurgents — common in Iraq and Afghanistan — are on the rise in other countries, prompting concerns by military experts that the tactic is becoming the weapon of choice by terror groups worldwide.

There are 200 to 300 improvised explosive attacks each month outside Iraq and Afghanistan, according to the British Triton Report. Triton is part of the consulting firm HMS Ltd., which provides counter-IED training for the U.S. government and other governments and businesses. The IED threat outside Iraq and Afghanistan increased steadily in 2006 and 2007 and is on a pace to exceed those numbers in 2008, said Irene Smith, a spokeswoman for the Pentagon's Joint IED Defeat Organization (JIEDDO).

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