Sunday, May 11, 2008


According to The Swamp's Jill Zuckman, McWAR doesn't seem to have much to throw at Barack:
Day by day, week by week, McCain has been portraying Obama as inexperienced, self-entitled and effete, a candidate coddled by a loving press corps and lacking the judgment necessary for the highest office in the land.

It's a line of attack likely to last through the fall election.

"We'll make the case that Barack Obama is a wonderful new voice selling old, discredited ideas, including the most massive tax increase since Walter Mondale ran for president," said Steve Schmidt, a senior McCain adviser. "It's a combination of weakness, not being ready to be president and not being able to deliver on the things he says he will deliver on."

This should be easy for Obama to fend off. First of all, McWAR is basically selling the standard GOP crap on economics, i.e., voodoo. Second, he's surrounded himself with neo-con foreign policy freaks. Third, the Press has sucked up to McWAR for years.

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