Saturday, May 24, 2008


so we can't start dismantling the myth that the conservatives care about our troops. From the Arizona Daily Star, 5/24/08:

Ariz. senators not backing vets
I am an Air Force veteran with 11 years of service. I just wanted to ask the Star for help getting information out about the new GI Bill that has passed the House and Senate, and is now up to the president to sign or veto.

The more veterans and citizens know about it, the more they can express their thoughts to ensure the president signs the bill. I also wonder why Sen. Jon Kyl voted against this bill and Sen. John McCain didn't vote at all. It is nice to see the people we elect represent us well.

Jeremy Tysinger
Veteran, Tucson

I'm very glad to see that Obama isn't letting up on McWAR:

Obama criticizes McCain on veterans' benefits
By CHRISTOPHER WILLS – 2 hours ago

BAYAMON, Puerto Rico (AP) — Barack Obama told veterans Saturday that he can't understand why Republican John McCain opposes legislation that would provide college scholarships to people who have served in the U.S. military.

"Now, let me be clear: No one can dispute John McCain's love for this country or his concern for veterans. But here's what I don't understand. I don't understand why John McCain would side with George Bush and oppose our plan to make college more affordable for our veterans," the Democratic presidential candidate said. "George Bush and John McCain may think our plan is too generous. I could not disagree more."

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