Friday, May 02, 2008


Jonathan Chait in The Big Con pointed out that the GOP can't win on the issues, so it has to rely on character attacks, e.g., swiftboating. The attacks on Obama have been concentrated on this angle. A couple of days ago, Hannity replayed a clip of Obama saying he would not disown Wright and tried to show that Obama flip-flopped on this issue. A few days later, Charles Krauthammer leads his WaPo op-ed, "The 'Race' Speech Revisited," with Obama's earlier comment about Wright:

"I can no more disown him [Jeremiah Wright] than I can disown my white grandmother."

-- Barack Obama, Philadelphia, March 18

Krauthammer ends his op-ed by highlighting a "character" issue:
This 20-year association with Wright calls into question everything about Obama: his truthfulness in his serially adjusted stories of what he knew and when he knew it; his judgment in choosing as his mentor, pastor and great friend a man he just now realizes is a purveyor of racial hatred; and the central premise of his campaign, that he is the bringer of a "new politics," rising above the old Washington ways of expediency. It's hard to think of an act more blatantly expedient than renouncing Wright when his show, once done from the press club instead of the pulpit, could no longer be "contextualized" as something whites could not understand and only Obama could explain in all its complexity.

Via M.J. Rosenberg at TPM, I found that rabid Zionist Daniel Pipes still hasn't gotten over the "Obama is a Muslim" lie, "Did Obama have a Muslim childhood?" Like Krauthammer, Pipes concludes his op-ed on the "character" issue:
OBAMA'S HAVING been born and raised a Muslim and having left the faith to become a Christian make him neither more nor less qualified to become president of the United States. But if he was born and raised a Muslim and is now hiding that fact, this points to a major deceit, a fundamental misrepresentation about himself that has profound implications about his character and his suitability as president.

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