Thursday, June 19, 2008


One of the few remaining justifications for the Iraq Fiasco is that we brought freedom to the heart of the Middle East. As I noted below, now that a couple of Democrats have brought up the possible nationalization of the oil industry, the wingnuts are going into shock.
haystack at Red State writes that this issue is "pretty near life and death for a lot of us." Kim Priestap of Wizbang rails against goverment ownership ans says it is a sham:
Congressman Hinchey and Ms. Lazu are packaging this nationalization scheme in the same way all communists do: let "the American people" own the oil companies. It's a complete sham, a lie, and an unbelievably manipulative and condescending one.

At Stop the ACLU, we have this line:
Why didn’t they just propose we sell our sovereignty to Hugo Chavez and let him run things?

So, what about Iraq? Under article 110 of the Iraqi Constitution, the national government owns the oil, so the quesion is "Are we still fighting for freedom over there?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The rudiments of freedom are law and order and when 55 or more Iraqis get killed in the supposedly relatively safe capital in one car bombing, we realize the claims of near-victory by such as AJ Strata are nothing but delusions.


if Badger is near the mark, the Iraqi "government" is still a regress-in-the-works.