Friday, June 27, 2008


Dick Cheney was terribly wrong on May 30, 2005, Col. "Buzz" Patterson was terribly wrong on July 6, 2005, and now the NewsHounds reveal that Melanie Morgan was terribly wrong on June 26, 20081:
INGRAHAM: Let's talk about that. Beyond the wonderful things you are doing for our troops, the care packages, $29.99 does a lot, $39.99, $49.99, there are a lot of different options. The one thing I like and we're putting the item on the screen, the one think I like, Michelle and Melanie, is that you're highlighting the good news in Iraq, that the media does not, frankly, have the time to report right now or just doesn't want to report, and Michelle, give us a few of the examples of just how things are improving in Iraq.

MALKIN: Well, look, if you listen to "The New York Times" and "The Washington Post" on a daily basis for the last several years, all you would think that is going on is our demon soldiers are torturing people and people are dying, and Haditha marines are engaged in all sorts of atrocities.


MALKIN: The truth is that we are winning hearts and minds there, and we've got so many folks involved in civilian affairs and building roads and schools and bridges and winning in the counterinsurgency.

MORGAN: That's one of the things that people are not reporting in the media now. And you know this Laura, because you've been to Iraq as well. If it bleeds, it leads. He are simply not telling the metrics of what's happening on the ground. We know for a fact casualties have dropped over 79 percent, to the lowest level since 2003. By any measure, we have won this war, we are winning this war and we are going to bring our troops home shortly in victory, according to some of the big military experts and mil bloggers that are writing about this. We are going to make sure our troops know how much they are loved and honored and how much all of us here in the United States of America are going to make sure that they get the care and love that they deserve.

1Fox News Network
June 26, 2008 Thursday
JUST IN for June 26, 2008
BYLINE: Laura Ingraham
GUESTS: Chris Cox, Denis Henigan, Andy Ramirez, Javier Rodriguez, Dana Mozee, MC Lyte, Benjamin Chavis, Robi Ludwig, Raymond Arroyo, Melanie Morgan, Michelle Malkin, Alveda King
LENGTH: 7335 words

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