Friday, June 27, 2008


Instead of bemoaning Obama's election chances because Mulllah Dobson attacked him, there were several commentators who pushed back against the Mullah's teeny world view.

Amy Sullivan in TIME:

Obama's theological beliefs are clearly more liberal than those on the Christian right. But it's the beliefs of the latter that are fast becoming a minority.

Don Wycliff in The Chicago Tribune:
The confusion really is on Dobson's part, and that of all who expect their favorite policy prescriptions to become the law of the land because they are convinced—whether from a reading of the Bible or some revelation directly from God's lips to their ears—that that prescription is God's will.

John Mashek of U.S. News & World Report:
Dobson's latest venture into politics was ripping Obama for a speech two years ago about a more diverse view of the Bible. Dobson was having none of that heresy in his mind. His interpretation is apparently the only one.

Americans of all faiths have different views on interpreting the Bible. Dobson's is not the only one, and we all should be thankful for that.

Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite, President of the Chicago Theological Seminary:

It may be that these days it is Mr. Dobson, not Senator Obama, who is confused about the role of religion in public life. ... Dobson, over these many years, has developed the bad habit of treating God as a wholly owned subsidiary of his operation. That kind of hubris makes for terrible theology and terrible politics.

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