Monday, June 30, 2008


If military service is so great, then Randall "Duke" Cunningham has more qualifications to be President than McCain. Cunningham was an Ace in the Vietnam War and won the Navy Cross.
(h/t Warren Street in comments at Digby's)

The wingnuts are now starting to push back against Clark and you can find some of their absurdities at these sites.

Matt Lewis at Clown Hall.
A.J. Strata
Uncle Jimbo at BLACKFIVE

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Strata quotes today from a rather tepid New Yorker article, the best he can do to argue for Iraqi War progress. The author Packer says
by way of challenging Obama to stay a harder course and abandon his campaign promise to withdraw,

"With the level of violence down, the Iraqi government and Army have begun to show signs of functioning in less sectarian ways"

"begun to show signs ..."...WOW! I'm impressed-but not quite the timetabled surge's goals....

But note the larger perspective of the best Packer offers, meaning Strata has used him dishonestly in his "victory" crowing,

"There will be no such thing as victory in Iraq, but the next President, if he remains nimble, may be able to keep the damage under control.

However even this much is in real doubt, according to among many others,a just released leading contractor's report

which demonstrates violence is actually increasing in Iraq.