Tuesday, June 17, 2008


UBS, the major Swiss bank, helped American capitalist pigs hide billions of income from the IRS. According to the NY Times, there could be as many as 20,000 of these scumbags. Why are they so damn greedy?

Wealthy Americans Under Scrutiny in UBS Case
Published: June 6, 2008
NY Times

Under pressure from the authorities, UBS is considering whether to divulge the names of up to 20,000 of its well-heeled American clients, according to people close to the inquiry, a step that would have once been unthinkable to Swiss bankers, whose traditions of secrecy date to the Middle Ages.

Federal investigators believe some of the clients may have used offshore accounts at UBS to hide as much as $20 billion in assets from the Internal Revenue Service. Doing so may have enabled these people to dodge at least $300 million in federal taxes on income from those assets, according to a government official connected with the investigation.

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