Saturday, June 07, 2008


I was engaged in a discussion thread last night and a conservative seemed surprised that I could and would quote the New Testament. (h/t Nicole at Crooks & Liars) George Will was on Colbert and Dr. Slammy got the video clip and made a partial transcript. According to the transcript, Will made this tired claim:

Conservatives tend to favor freedom and are willing to accept inequalities of outcome from a free market and liberals tend to favor equality of outcome and to sacrifice and to circumscribe freedom in order to get it.

This crap about liberals favoring "equality of outcome" has been alive in Wingnut World for quite some time. I'm not sure who first came up with this but I did find that Milton Friedman referred to liberals this way in his book Free to Choose which was published in 1980. Friedman did not get around to mentioning by name anyone who actually believes this, so I think this is an early example of wingnut propaganda. As Dr. Slammy convincingly argues, there aren't many liberals who favor equality of outcome but you can't convince wingnuts of this fact.

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