Sunday, June 08, 2008


UPDATE: matttbastard has done some digging and finds that the post on Obama's was originally published on RealJewNews in April.

The GOP is up to its old nasty tricks. This time, some loon posted an anti-Semitic rant on the open to the public part of Obama's website (now removed) and the wingnuts on the web are all over it. Their posts emphasize that this is from "the official Barack Obama campaign web site" in an obvious attempt to lead the reader to believe that the post is endorsed by Obama or that many Obama supporters are anti-Semitic.

matttbastard has a little background on this tactic.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Steve.

I'm hoping some more left-leaning folks pick this up. The radio silence left of the dial is disconcerting.

Steve J. said...

Your welcome Mattt - thanx for the digging into this "issue"
