Sunday, June 22, 2008


Jerry Doyle had some expert from the Manhattan Institute on to discuss hip-hop music. The first question Doyle asked was does it lead to violence. From there he segued into asking why Barack Obama speaks differently to black audiences than he does to white audiences. This didn't seem to have anything to do with the topic and it does make Obama's recent warning that the GOP will try to scare people about him more plausible.

Michael Medved was going sticky wet over Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal and highlighted the fact that Jindal was for teaching intelligent design creationism. Medved spoke as if Jindal had already signed the bill allowing Louisana teachers to peddle that crap and as far I can tell, he hasn't done so yet. While I was looking into this, Joe Windish at the Moderate Voice tipped me off to the fact that McCain whored himself to the Disocvery Institute on 2/12/2007.

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