Friday, July 25, 2008


The British think we torture, why don't the wingnuts? Of course, some wingnuts do admit we torture but "9-11 changed everything," including the Constitution and Federal law, so they don't care.

UK 'must check' US torture denial

The British government should not rely on US assurances that it does not use torture, a report by MPs says.

Page last updated at 23:01 GMT, Saturday, 19 July 2008 00:01 UK

The foreign affairs select committee said the UK and US differ on their definitions of what constitutes torture and it urged the UK to check US claims.

It recommended the government carry out an "exhaustive analysis of current US interrogation techniques."

The MPs also said the government should check claims that Britain is not used by the US for "rendition" flights.

The committee highlighted the technique of "water-boarding" - a practice which simulates drowning.

The US describes it as "a legal technique used in a specific set of circumstances" and President Bush has refused to ban it.

However, the UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband said it is torture and "the UK unreservedly condemns the use of torture."

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