Thursday, July 03, 2008


I tried to convert this into an image file and the results were uniformly too small so here's a text version. You can get the original Word document here.

Subjective well-being rankings of 82 societies
(based on combined Happiness and Life Satisfaction scores)

Puerto Rico 4.67
Mexico 4.32
Denmark 4.24
Ireland 4.16
Iceland 4.15
Switzerland 4.00
N. Ireland 3.97
Colombia 3.94
Netherlands 3.86
Canada 3.76
Austria 3.69
El Salvador 3.67
Venezuela 3.58
Luxembourg 3.52
U.S. 3.47
Australia 3.46
New Zealand 3.39
Sweden 3.36
Nigeria 3.32
Norway 3.25
Belgium 3.23
Finland 3.23
Saudi Arabia 3.01
Singapore 3.00
Britain 2.92
W. Germany 2.67
France 2.61
Argentina 2.61
Vietnam 2.59
Chile 2.53
Philippines 2.32
Taiwan 2.25
Domin.Rep. 2.25
Brazil 2.23
Spain 2.13
Israel 2.08
Italy 2.06
E. Germany 2.02
Slovenia 2.02
Uruguay 2.02
Portugal 1.99
Japan 1.96
Czech Rep 1.94

S. Africa 1.86
Croatia 1.55
Greece 1.45
Peru 1.32
China 1.20
S. Korea 1.12

Iran 0.93

Poland 0.84
Turkey 0.84
Bosnia 0.82
Morocco .74
Uganda 0.67
Algeria 0.57
Bangladesh 0.54
Egypt 0.52
Hungary 0.41
Slovakia 0.40
Jordan 0.39

Estonia 0.24
Serbia 0.21
Tanzania 0.13
Azerbaijan 0.13
Montenegro 0.06
India 0.03
Lithuania -0.07
Macedonia -0.14
Pakistan -0.30
Latvia -0.70
Albania -0.86
Bulgaria -0.87
Belarus -0.92
Georgia -1.11
Romania -1.30
Moldova -1.63
Russia -1.75
Armenia -1.80
Ukraine -1.81
Zimbabwe -1.88
Indonesia -2.40
High-income countries are shown in bold face type. All 28 high-income countries (in bold type) rank high or medium-high on subjective well-being; and all 10 Latin American countries (in italics) except Peru also rank high or medium-high. All 25 ex-communist countries (names underlined) except Vietnam, Slovenia and Czech Republic are low or medium-low (the median ex-communist country has a negative score); and all ten ex-Soviet countries are Low (eight of the ten have negative scores).

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