Sunday, July 13, 2008


(h/t Frank Rich)

I've cited Wilkerson before and he is VERY well-informed about the criminal Bush regime.

Top Bush aides pushed for Guantánamo torture
Senior officials bypassed army chief to introduce interrogation methods
Richard Norton-Taylor
The Guardian,
Saturday April 19, 2008

Larry Wilkerson, a former army officer and chief of staff to Colin Powell, US secretary of state at the time, told the Guardian: "I do know that Rumsfeld had neutralised the chairman [Myers] in many significant ways.

"The secretary did this by cutting [Myers] out of important communications, meetings, deliberations and plans.

"At the end of the day, however, Dick Myers was not a very powerful chairman in the first place, one reason Rumsfeld recommended him for the job".

He added: "Haynes, Feith, Yoo, Bybee, Gonzalez and - at the apex - Addington, should never travel outside the US, except perhaps to Saudi Arabia and Israel. They broke the law; they violated their professional ethical code. In future, some government may build the case necessary to prosecute them in a foreign court, or in an international court."

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