Sunday, July 06, 2008


Locally, his show replaced Drudge's on Sunday nights and I figured I needed to get a little adrenaline flowing so I tuned in online. One of his callers swore that Obama was a Muslim and Billy not only agreed, he said the Press wouldn't look into Obama's background. Another caller said that people who back reparations for blacks are giving Obama all his money. (I've also seen this claim on AOL message boards) Billy riffed that Obama is trying to buy the election by making very expensive promises to various groups.

Billy did praise The Greatest Generation and also said he'll have Grover Norquist on later. Does he know that Grover thinks the Greatest Generation is anti-American?

I think Billy went off message about the GWOT because he said we had worse times in the 60s (Vietnam) and 40s (WW II) and the 30s (Great Depression). In the neo-con world, the Islamo-fascists represent a mortal threat that we must address at all costs (and we must defend Israel at all costs).

Another caller claims that Islamists are carrying out health care crimes and by that he means that they are killing patients. (Even Billy couldn't follow this one.)

I don't want to call down the wrath of Rick Perlstein1 but many of the callers seem like real morons. Yes, I know morons have the right to vote but they shouldn't be catered to.

Billy has a demeaning nickname I hadn't heard before: Anti-Christian Legal Union. Maybe he got it from Mark Levin.

There was an extended call about the costs of illegal immigration.

Like other wingnuts, Billy doesn't think there is man-made global warming.

Rats! I didn't get to hear Grover.

1Here's some Perlstein from TPM:

Just to add a brief aside: I can't read more than a paragraph of Hofstadter on conservatism at a time. I find him teeth-gratingly condescending.

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