Thursday, July 17, 2008


I really like how Obama pushes back against the GOP Noise Machine. This is something I haven't seen much before in Democratic politicians and I think it's something that needs to be done. We need to make the gasbags the issue and we can use the crap they spew to discredit them.
Obama Blames the Right for Attacks on Wife
By Katharine Q. Seelye
July 17, 2008, 8:04 am
The Caucus
NY Times

Senator Barack Obama blamed the right-wing media for attacks on his wife, Michelle, that have driven up her negative ratings.

In an interview with Glamour magazine , Mr. Obama pointed to “the conservative press — Fox News and the National Review and columnists of every ilk” — and said they “went fairly deliberately at her in a pretty systematic way” and that they “treated her as the candidate in a way that you just rarely see the Democrats try to do against Republicans.”

If you start being subjected to rants by Sean Hannity and the like, day in day out, that’ll drive up your negatives,” Mr. Obama told Glamour. He said it was not the McCain campaign itself that was responsible for the attacks but the “apparatus of conservative columnists, blogs and the like.”

On his radio show, Hannity was upset with Obama's description o fhim and said he'd welcome a chance to talk "face-to-face" with Obama. If this happened in a neutral setting, Obama would demolish Hannity.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You failed to include the complete quote. You did't mention that Sen Obama said that Hannity would not say those things to his face. Hannity merely offered him the opportunity to hear the truth up close and personal. As for youy contention that Obama would Tear up Hannity in a neutral location,... wishful thinking???