Thursday, July 24, 2008


The wingnuts routinely disparage what they call the "old media" or the "dinosaur media" for not being in touch with the facts and being biased in favor of liberals. On the other hand, they boast about how great the "new media" is and by "new media" they really mean outlets for wingnut agit-prop because there's nothing new about talk radio. The wingnuts have had enjoyed some popularity on the Internet but they are far from being as influential as the liberal side.

Now, Jonathan Martin in Politico offers one explanation for the lack of wingnut success:
The right is engaged in the business of opining while the left features sites that offer a more reportorial model.

You don't need reporting when all you're doing is repeating GOP propaganda and wingnut Patrick Ruffini indirectly admits that:
“It’s something we have to get in gear on,” says Patrick Ruffini, the Bush campaign’s webmaster in 2004 and former RNC ecampaign director. “What drives discussion in the blogosphere is original information.”

“Liberal media has traditionally been upstream media, generating information and putting it into circulation. Conservative media is downstream; it’s the second bite at the apple.”

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