Monday, July 14, 2008


The drastic decline in home prices in Phoenix probably was a wake-up call for Kyl. (Via Nicole Belle at Crooks & Liars) Of course, he also gives Bush and the GOP-controlled Congress a free pass.

BLITZER: A lot of people, Senator Kyl in Arizona, in the housing market out there, they’re suffering big-time right now. How much of the blame, and I know you’re a blunt guy, how much of the blame does the Bush administration deserve for allowing this kind of situation to deteriorate, as it has?

KYL: Virtually none.


KYL: We’ve been predicting for years that this problem would come along. When I was chairman of the Republican Policy Committee, we wrote papers on it.

BLITZER: But isn’t the federal government responsible for making sure this kind of situation doesn’t happen?

KYL: The problem is, there is very little regulatory authority. That’s why this legislation that Senator Dodd has been working on, the one good feature of it is additional regulation. But we should have had that regulation four years ago.

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