Belief that Obama is Muslim is Durable, Bipartisan – but Most Likely to Sway Democratic Votes
by Michael Dimock, Associate Director, Pew Research Center for the People & the Press
July 15, 2008
In the latest survey conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, 12% say Obama is Muslim, virtually unchanged from 10% in March.

Another boast of victory in Iraq today on, replete with a lecture thrown at Obama for (still) preferring defeat.
A corrective from Robert Dreyfuss:
The worst thing about war whoring liars like Strata (and McCain who erroneously describes the current Iraqi government as an ally)is when
any or all of the Dreyfuss scenarious manifest themselves, the war whores will be calling not for exit but for the redoubling of efforts to win the formerly "won" war.
I think Atrios captured the war whore logic very well:
If we're winning, we have to stay because the situation is fragile; if we're losing we have to stay until we win.
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